Time : 13-03-18 18:54
URI Asia Executive Council Meets in San Francisco
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March 10, 2013, 1:43 PM

URI Asia Executive Council Meets in San Francisco

URI Asia Executive Council Meets in San Francisco
The URI Asia Executive Council (pictured above) met at 4 p.m. Friday, March 8 at the Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront Hotel in the United States of America.
Present at the meeting were Secretary General Ven. Dr. Jinwol Lee of Korea, the Rev. Dr. James Channan of Pakistan, Ravindra Kandage of Sri Lanka, Qutub Jehan Kidwai of India, Subai Farooq of Pakistan, Dr. Hira Paul Gagnegi of India, Dr. Abraham Karickam of India, Biswadeb Chakraborty of India and Naseer Salimi of Pakistan.
The meeting commenced with silent prayer. The AEC expressed heartfelt condolences in the unexpected and sad demise of URI Youth Trainer Irfan Ali, who sacrificed his life for peace.
Following the chairman’s briefing and detailed deliberations, it was resolved to conduct the next AEC meeting in Lahore, Pakistan from 20-22 December, 2013. Qutub Jehan was requested to explore visa possibilities for all. The council also decided to request the presence of a staff member from the Hub during the AEC meeting, if possible.
An all-Asia URI Conference can be held in Sri Lanka in 2014. The council is currently exploring the availability of funds. Ravi Kandage offered to meet 50 percent of the hosting expenses.
The following office bearers were elected for a three year term: Ven. Dr. Jinwol Lee, Secretary-General; Fr. Dr. James Channan, Deputy Secretary-General; Dr. Abraham Karickam, Executive Secretary.
The council also decided to seek funding from possible donors for its activities.
The meeting was adjourned to meet again at a convenient time between GC sessions.